Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

Quest 60 - 70

Dragon Mounts Inquiry
Talk to Feng Shui Master Zhu Jiuyin (138, 671)
Talk to [][] (172, 622)
Talk to [][] (113, 685)
Talk to [][] (119, 639) altitude 63
Talk to Mystic Sage Leng Rubing (136, 669)
Trust of an Old Friend
Talk to Cheng Zigeng (531, 684)
Talk to Archeologist Jian Zhukong (138, 672)
Ancient Battle Record
Talk to Archeologist Jian Zhukong (138, 672)
Talk to Pillar (158, 692)
Talk to Archeologist Jian Zhukong (138, 672)
Blood Red Grass
Talk to Archeologist Jian Zhukong (138, 672)
Items needed 5 Red Grass (plant in Dragon Land)
Talk to Archeologist Jian Zhukong (138, 672)
Mysterious Insect of Hell
Talk to Mojin Xiaowei the Pangolin (133, 677)
Veteran's Nightmare
Talk to Veteran Du's Fading Years (130, 678)
Items needed 1 Bloodstained Text (104, 664)
Talk to Veteran Du's Fading Years (130, 678)
Wei Chengming's Map
Talk to Knight-errant Wei Chengming (132, 678)
Items needed 1 [][][][]
Monster to be killed Corpse Demon (inside HR)
Talk to Knight-errant Wei Chengming (132, 678)
Talk to Ironsmith Yang Tiexin (123, 590)
Talk to Knight-errant Wei Chengming (132, 678)
Breaking News
Talk to Mission Administrator (533, 644)
Talk to Wei Xiao Bao (walking around dragon city)
Wei Xiao Bao's Crisis
Talk to Wei Xiao Bao (walking around dragon city)
Talk to Princess Jian Ning (558, 700)
Talk to Xuang Er (586, 567)
Items needed 5 Wooden Butterfly
5 Moleplant
3 Spirit Fox Balsam
Monster to be killed Forest Wasp (Sword City suburb, North of Tusk Town)
Talk to Xuang Er (586, 567)
Talk to Wei Xiao Bao (walking around dragon city)
Evil Ox General
Talk to Native (471, 331)
Monster to be killed 60 Evil Ox General (South East from Tusk Town)
Talk to Native (471, 331)
Missing Secret Letter
Talk to Guard Liu Hong (484, 355)
Items needed 1 Secret Letter from Wingkind/Human/Beast
Monster to be killed Forest Wasp (Sword City suburb, North of Tusk Town)
Talk to Guard Bing Feng (321, 418) - Wingkind
Guard Liu Qingyang (433, 886) - Human
Guard Hu Zhengxiang (248, 645) - Beast
Monster to be killed 30 Forest Wasp (Sword City suburb, North of Tusk Town)
Talk to Bamboo Village Chief (369, 351) - Wingkind
Sentry (495 870) - Human
Guard Hu Chensha (230, 554) - Beast
Wang Quiang Will's
Talk to Wang Quiang (458, 342)
Items needed 50 Black Ferrous Stone
Monster to be killed Golden Princess (South East from Tusk Town)
Talk to Wang Quiang (458, 342)
Gravekeeper's Offer
Talk to Gravekeeper (481, 387)
Monster to be killed 60 Prison Leader (South East from Tusk Town)
Talk to Gravekeeper (481, 387)
Dream Flowers
Talk to Xiao Jiaoya (549, 373)
Items needed 50 Orchid Specter
Monster to be killed Orchid Butterfly Elf (South East from Tusk Town)
Talk to Xiao Jiaoya (549, 373)
April Sacrifice
Talk to Xiao Jiaoya (549, 373)
Talk to Mr. Chen (547, 372)
Talk to Mr. Chen (547, 372)
Monster to be killed 60 Nether Ox (Dream Mountain)
Talk to Mr. Chen (547, 372)
Big Mistake
Talk to Yi Tianyuan (581, 685)
Talk to Pharmacist Xie Xuanhu (431, 462)
Items needed 1 Violet Gold Dan
Monster to be killed Ghost Soldier (North of Dream Village)
Talk to Yi Wangran (369, 349)
Talk to Yi Tianyuan (581, 685)
Mr. Chen's Nightmare
Talk to Mr. Chen (547, 372)
Talk to Yin-Yang Master (549, 376)
Soul Wounds
Items needed 20 Bandage
20 Blood-Staunching Grass
Monster to be killed Earth Lurkers (North east of Dream Village)
Blood Bat (Skies of Dream Village)
Talk to Mr. Chen (547, 372)
Yin-yang Master's Pity
Talk to Yin-Yang Master (549, 376)
Items needed 1 Lock of Fortune
Monster to be killed Venom Plant Tower (Southeast from Dream Mountain)
Talk to Yin-Yang Master (549, 376)
Talk to Xiao Jiaoya (549, 373)
Talk to Poet in Poor Spirits (555, 377)
Items needed 50 Leather
Monster to be killed Mad Nether Wolf (East of Dream Village)
Talk to Poet in Poor Spirits (555, 377)
Stray Grass
Talk to Pharmacist Wang Changjin (547, 372)
Items needed 10 Stray Grass (Plant in Soulless Swamp)
Talk to Pharmacist Wang Changjin (547, 372)
Poisonous Grass
Talk to Pharmacist Wang Changjin (547, 372)
Monster to be killed 60 Soul Venom (North of Dream Village)
Talk to Pharmacist Wang Changjin (547, 372)
Power Struggle
Talk to Mr. Chen (547, 372)
Monster to be killed 65 Winged Tiger (Southeast of Dream Mountain)
Talk to Mr. Chen (547, 372)
Talk to Mr. Chen (547, 372)
Talk to Nanke Village Chief (209, 308)
Talk to Mr. Chen (547, 372)
Archer Scavenger
Talk to Yin-Yang Master (549, 376)
Items needed 60 Cloudy Gong
Monster to be killed Archer Scavenger (Northwest Dream Village)
Talk to Yin-Yang Master (549, 376)
Burning Spectre
Talk to Yin-Yang Master (549, 376)
Monster to be killed 65 Burning Spectre (North Dream Village)
Talk to Yin-Yang Master (549, 376)
Abandoning Beliefs
Talk to Huo Sang (538, 416)
Items needed 40 Skull of Chief
Monster to be killed Brute Ghost Chief (North of Grindstone Village)
Talk to Huo Sang (538, 416)
Overcoming Fear
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
Items needed 65 Heartoftrooperwithheadcutoff
Monster to be killed Headless Cavalry (Soulless Swamp)
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
Key to Altar
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
Items needed 1 Key to altar
Monster to be killed Belligerent Wizards (Soulless Gate)
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
Talk to dig at 408, 562 (inside SG)
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
A Moonlight Conspiracy
Talk to Huo Sang (538, 416)
Talk to Yin-Yang Master (549, 376)
Talk to Lin Zijian (608, 396) Pop up
Talk to Lin Zijian (608, 396) Dig
Talk to Yin-Yang Master (549, 376)
Talk to a window opens when you are in the right place.
First Curse (567, 436)
Second Curse (577,442 )
Third Curse (578,450 )
Fourth Curse (587,452 )
Fifth Curse (594,444 )
Sixth Curse (583,431 )
Seventh Curse (584,432 )
Talk to Yin-Yang Master (549, 376)
Talk to Li Xiaoxin (539, 415)
Monster to be killed 65 Stone Ghost Chief (West Grindstone Village)
Talk to Li Xiaoxin (539, 415)
Silent Enemy
Talk to Li Xiaoxin (539, 415)
Items needed 55 Corpse of Chief
Monster to be killed Venom Ghost Chief (Soulless Swamp)
Talk to Li Xiaoxin (539, 415)
Li Xiaoxin's Discovery
Talk to Li Xiaoxin (539, 415)
Talk to Huo Sang (538, 416)
Water Specter
Talk to Huo Sang (538, 416)
Monster to be killed 65 Aqua Ghost Chief (North of Grindstone Soulless Swamp)
Talk to Huo Sang (538, 416)
Dog Fight
Talk to Huo Sang (538, 416)
Monster to be killed 70 Spinal Spectre (Grindstone North Soulless Swamp Skies)
Talk to Huo Sang (538, 416)
Demon Diety Servant
Talk to Huo Sang (538, 416)
Monster to be killed 65 Flame Ghost Chief (North Soulless Swamp)
Talk to Huo Sang (538, 416)
Strange Tree Knot
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
Talk to Axman Zhang (547, 375)
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
Flying Demon Bat
Items needed 60 Flying Demon Bat's Blood
Monster to be killed Flying Demon Bat (Soulless Swamp Skies)
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
The Suolei
Talk to dig at tower (586, 435)
and suolei will appear, kill it
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
Cost of Betrayal
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
Monster to be killed 70 Headless Chief (Soulless Swamp)
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
Strange Weapons
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
Items needed 50 Skull-Tower Fragment (Sky Rebellion Altar)
Monster to be killed 70 Headless Chief (Soulless Swamp)
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
The Towers
Monster to be killed 35 Skull Tower (Near soulless gate)
35 Tower of Souls (Near soulless gate)
Talk to Resentful-spirit Hunter (536, 415)
Seek the Elder
Talk to Dream Port Elder (662, 375)

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