Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

Quest 1 - 20

Quest Perfect World untuk Elf Archers dan Elf Priest dari level 1 - 19.

Level 1
First Visit
Start NPC: Guide Remnant Pina
Location: Fallen Tassle Village (369,461)
Quest Choice 1: Kill 10 Jaster Water Beetle then go to Guide Pina.
Quest Choice 2: Kill 10 Floral Sprout then go to Guide Pina.
Reward: Gold (45), Exp (75), SP (20), Mirage Sword, Pyxis Of Vigour Bolus (5)
Guardsman Gift
Start NPC: Complete "First Visit" Quest
Destination: Guard Laina (321,419)
Mission: Kill 10 Hepta Stag Beetle.
Monster Locale: Scattered sound "Forest Of Feather" Area
Reward: Gold (90), Exp (150), SP (30)
Reward Choice #1: Fine Steel Ring
Reward Choice #2: Chromatic Ring

Level 2
Wing Elf's Renaissance
Required LVL: 2
Start NPC: Elder
Location: Feather City(327,427)
Mission #1: Visit Blacksmith York (337,406)
Reward: JebelFosses Helmet Or WeatherWorn Muffle
Mission #2: Visit Merchandizer Adam (342,406)
Reward: IronSheet Loricae Or SilkLight Cape
Mission #3: Visit Pharmachist Clara (341,413)
Reward: IronSheet Cuisse Or SilkyLight Bridges
Mission #4: Visit Jeweller Mariah (343,412)
Reward: IronSheet Boot Or SilkyLight Sandal
Mission #5: Visit Tailor Wendy (334,409)
Reward: IronSheet WristBracer or SilkyLight RiskGuard
Mission #6: Report To Elder (327,427)
Reward: Celestial Stone Fragment

Making Secret Medicine
Required LVL: 2
Start NPC: Pharmachist Clara
Location: Feather City (341,413)
Mission #1: Get White Flower (5) From Cruel Wolven Cub
Mission #2: Get Green Herbal Leaf (5) From Bloom Scorpoic Spawn
Reward: Gold (150), Exp (250), SP (20)

Level 3
Wounded Villager
Required LVL: 3
Start NPC: Guard Laina
Location: Feather City (321,419)
Mission #1: Visit Worried Villager (371,427)
Mission #2: Visit Pharmacist Clara (341,413)
Mission #3: Get Hepta Kaiser Stagbeetle Blood (12) From Hepta Stagbeetle King or Hepta Kaiser Stagbeetle
Monster Locale: Southeast Of Feather City
Reward: Gold (200), Exp (350), SP (80), Nazorite Cloak

Level 4
First Try Of Wings
Required LVL: 4
Start NPC: Elder
Location: Feather City(327,427)
Mission: Get Refine Tablet From Chest, High In The Air (324,428 elevation 30)
Reward #1: Gold (90), Exp (150), SP (33)
Reward #2: Minor Vital Hierogram Or Minor Spirit Hierogram
Celestial Opuntia
Required LVL: 4
Start NPC: Flamen
Location: Feather City (326,425)
Mission: Kill Celestial Opuntia (12)
Monster Locale: Southeast Of Feather City
Reward: Gold (432), Exp (720), SP (160), Celestial Stone Fragment

Level 5
Book Of Smelting
Required LVL: 5
Start NPC: Tailor Wendy
Location: Feather City (333, 408)
Mission: Get Timbers (10) From Pickori Oddfeet
Mission: Get Iron Cres (10) From TerraWraith Rankle Arms
Monster Locale: Southeast Of Feather City
Mission #2: Visit Blacksmith York Of Feather City (337,406)
Reward: Gold (348), Exp (580), SP (129)
RipTide WhirlTortlen
Required LVL: 5
Start NPC: Flamen
Location: Feather City (326, 425)
Mission #1: Kill Riptide WhirlTortle (10)
Monster Locale: North Of Lake Of Feather
Mission #2: Visit DockYard Owner (340,371)
Reward: Gold (250), Exp (400), SP (100), Celestial Stone Fragment
Guardsman Entrust
Required LVL: 5
Start NPC: Guard Laina
Location: Feather City (321,419)
Mission #1: Kill Uchinem Cub (10)
Monster Locale: East Shore Of Lake Of Feather
Reward: Gold (250), Exp (400), SP (100)
Reward Choice #1: Crimson Auric Necklace
Reward Choice #2: Topaz Necklace
Reward Choice #3: Lazulite Necklace

Level 6
Trial voyage
Required LVL: 6
Start NPC: N/A
Mission #1: Fly To Bamboo Village Chief (369,351)
Reward: Gold (250), Exp (400), SP (100)

The Bamboo Village
Required LVL: 6
Start NPC: Dockyard Owner
Location: Lake Of Feather (340,371)
Mission #1: Fly To Bamboo Village Chief (369,351)
Reward: Gold (300), Exp (500), SP (100), Celestial Stone Fragment
Level 7
Required LVL: 7
Start NPC: Caitlyn
Location: Bamboo Village (372,351)
Mission #1: Get Varietal Pod (10) from Mutant Opuntia
Monster Locale: Outside Of Bamboo Village
Reward: Gold (300), Exp (1850), SP (450), Celestial Stone Fragment
Reward Choice #1: Crimson Auric Adorn
Reward Choice #2: Lazulite Waist Adorn
Reward Choice #3: Topaz Waist Adorn
Level 8
Dutiful Daughter
Required LVL: 8
Start NPC: Caitlyn
Location: Bamboo Village (372,351)
Mission #1: Collect Fresh WhirlTortlen Shell (5) From Amphibian WhirlTortlen
Monster Locale: Unworried Laked, SouthEast of Feather City (273, 361)
Reward: Gold (1000), Exp (1600), SP (350), Celestial Stone Fragment
The Disaster Of Undine
Required LVL: 8
Start NPC: Bamboo Village Chief
Location: Bamboo Village (370,352)
Mission #1: Visit Merchandizer Lance (371,350)
Monster Locale: Unworried Laked, SouthEAST of Feather City (273,361)
Reward: Gold (250), Exp (400), SP (80), Celestial Stone Fragment
Reward Choice #1: Edge Hierogram (20)
Reward Choice #2: Malediction Hierogram (10)
Reward Choice #3: Sturdy Armor Hierogram (10)
Reward Cjpoce #4: Divinity Rivet Hierogram (10)

Kill The Undine
Required LVL: 8
Required Quest: The Disaster Of Undine
Mission #1: Kill Undine Of Virtue (5)
Monster Locale: Dockyard Of Lake Of Feather
Mission #2: Report to Bamboo Village Chief
Reward: Gold (180), Exp (300), SP (67)
Reward Choice #1: Nobel Pure Quoit, Celestial Stone Fragment
Reward Choice #2: SilverSerpent Bow, Celestial Stone Fragment
Verge Of Destruction (1hr Time Event)
Required LVL: 8
Start NPC: Bamboo Village Chief
Location: Bamboo Village (370,352)
Mission #1: Collect Egg Of Stick Insect (10) From Trimusurus Boa
Monster Locale: Outside Bamboo Villlage
Mission #2: Give To Pharmacist Clara Of Feather City (341,413)
Reward: Gold (1550), Exp (2550), SP (600), Celestial Stone Fragment

Level 9
Bamboo Forest
Required LVL: 9
Start NPC: Caitlyn
Location: Bamboo Village (372,351)
Mission #1: Kill Ennead Stagbeetle (25)
Monster Locale: Bamboo Forest Of The Shining Moon (387,330)
Reward: Gold (900), Exp (1500), SP (350)
Prairie Wolven
Required LVL: 9
Start NPC: Bamboo Village Chief
Location: Bamboo Village (370,352)
Mission #1: Kill Prairie Wolven (25)
Monster Locale: White Ridge South (343,331)
Reward: Gold (1050), Exp (1700), SP (400)

Level 10
Sanguine Flower
Required LVL: 10
Start NPC: Flamen
Location: Feather City (326,425)
Mission: Get Sanguine Flower (2)
Item Locale: Feather Lake Dock (324,358) and (326,364)
Reward: Gold (1200), Exp (2000), SP (450), Celestial Stone Fragment
Badge Of Courage
Required LVL: 10
Start NPC: Elder
Location: Feather City(327,427)
Mission #1: Meet Border Guard Nevin (303,343)
Mission #2: Get Bagde Of Courage (1) From Undine Of Bravery
Monster Locale: Dockyard Of Feather Lake
Reward: Gold (1650), Exp (2750), SP (650)
The Lost Tablet
Required LVL: 10
Start NPC: Border Guard Nevin
Location: South Screen Mountain (303,343)
Mission: Get Nevin Tablet (1) From Pelagic Styxorescene
Monster Locale: In The Air Around Dockyard Of Feather Lake
Reward: Gold (1650), Exp (2750), SP (650), Celestial Stone Fragment

Level 11
South Stark Stronghold
Required LVL: 11
Start NPC: N/A
Mission: Meet South Stal. Stronghold Alcalde (209,308)
Reward: Gold (1200), Exp (2000), SP (450)
Double Crossing
Required LVL: 11
Start NPC: Border Guard Nevin
Location: South Screen Mountain (303,343)
Mission: Kill ElderGoth Detector (25)
Monster Locale: Lake Of Feather Shore
Reward: Gold (1150), Exp (1900), SP (450), Celestial Stone Fragment
Turtle Power
Required LVL: 11
Start NPC: Border Guard Nevin
Location: South Screen Mountain (303,343)
Mission: Kill Vortex WhirlTortlen Monach (20)
Monster Locale: In the middle of Unworried Lake(265 354)
Reward: Gold (1000), Exp (1650), SP (400), Celestial Stone Fragment

Level 12
Vice Wolven In Power
Required LVL: 12
Start NPC: Border Guard Nevin
Location: South Screen Mountain (303,343)
Mission #1: Get Missing Letter From Vice Wolven
Monster Locale: South Screen Mountain
Mission #2: Kill Vice Wolven get Lost Letter (0/1)
Mission #3: Visit South Stal. Stronghold Alcalde (209,308)
Reward: Gold (1300), Exp (2150), SP (500), Human Celestial Stone
False Alarm
Required LVL: 12
Start NPC: South Stal. Stronghold Alcalde
Location: South Stalking StrongHold (209,308)
Mission #1: Kill Rostra OddFeet Vassal (25)
Monster Locale: South Stalking StrongHold (206,300)
Reward: Gold (1350), Exp (2250), SP (500), Celestial Stone Fragment
Sharing Techniques
Required LVL: 12
Start NPC: Blacksmith York
Location: Feather City (339,407)
Mission #1: Visit BlackSmith Xorn At City Of Vanish (252,642)
Mission #2: Visit BlackSmith Francis At Ethersword City (431,874)
Reward: Gold (2400), Exp (4000), SP (900), Celestial Stone Fragment

Level 13
Faith-Keeping Honest
Required LVL: 13
Start NPC: Border Guard Nevin
Location: South Screen Mountain (303,343)
Mission #1: Visit Merchandizer Micheal At South Stalking Stronghold (204,324)
Reward: Gold (1500), Exp (2500), SP (600), Celestial Stone Fragment
South Stronghold
Required LVL: 13
Start NPC: Pharmacist Xannon
Location: South Stalking StrongHold (211,326)
Mission #1: Kill Wail Bewitched (30)
Monster Locale: West Of Arrow Waterfall
Reward: Gold (1800), Exp (3000), SP (650)
Reward Choice #1: ScubShadow Wristbracer, Celestial Stone Fragment
Reward Choice #2: LightGrace Wristbracer, Celestia Stone Fragment

Level 14
Accept Herbs
Required LVL: 14
Start NPC: Pharmacist Xannon
Location: South Stalking StrongHold (211,326)
Mission #1: Meet Shopman (200,327)
Mission #2: Get Eye Of Lynx (10) From Forest Lynx Negus
Reward: Gold (2800), Exp (4650), SP (1050)
Reward Choice #1: QuinaryHue Staff, Celestial Fragment Stone
Reward Choice #2: Fluxion Cloud Bow, Celestial Fragment Stone
Defense Line
Required LVL: 14
Start NPC: Elder
Location: Feather City(327,427)
Mission #1: Find YeeChingLing's Spirit, Northwest Of Feather City (313,438)
Note: You have to kill her. Party with someone to heal/help you.
Mission #2: Visit Wing Elf Anchoret Of White Ridge (319,330)
Mission #3: Go To The Waterfall Of South Stalking Stronghold
Mission #4: Get Real Scroll From Captivated Wing Elfkind and Nameless Werefox (215,328)
Reward: Gold (2700), Exp (4500), SP (1000)

Level 15
Rinsing Quintic Venom
Required LVL: 15
Required Quest: Defense Line
Start NPC: Elder
Location: Feather City(327,427)
Required LVL: 15
Start NPC: Merchandizer Micheal
Location: South Stalking StrongHold (204,324)
Mission #1: Kill Undine Of Pure (20)
Monster Locale: South Stalking Cliff
Reward: Gold (3000), Exp (5000), SP (1150), Celestial Stone Fragment
Make The First Move
Required LVL: 15
Start NPC: South Stal. Stronghold Alcalde
Location: South Stalking StrongHold (209,308)
Mission #1: Get Battle Plan Proposal From Undine Of Turbid (214,376)
Monster Locale: South Of Astound Ridge
Reward: Gold (1500), Exp (2600), SP (600), Celestial Stone Fragment
The Nation Vengeance
Required LVL: 15
Start NPC: Flamen
Location: Feather City (326,425)
Mission #1: Visit Wing Elf Anchoret At White Ridge (319,330)
Mission #2: Kill Forest Lynx Negus (20)
Monster Locale: South Stalking Cliff
Mission #3: Visit Flamen At Feather City (326,425)
Reward: Gold (2200), Exp (3600), SP (800)
Reward Choice #1: ScubShadow Light Armor, Celestial Fragment Stone
Reward Choice #2: LightGrace Cape, Celestial Fragment Stone

Level 16
Sample of Venom
Required LVL: 16
Start NPC: Pharmacist Xannon
Location: South Stalking StrongHold (211,327)
Monster Locale: Coral Vipent (227,396)
Reward: Gold (2200), Exp (3600), SP (800), Celestial Stone Fragment

Level 17
Krait Vipent Bladder
Required LVL: 17
Required Quest: Arriving Accident
Start NPC: Sentinel Lorcan
Location: Astound Ridge (219,452)
Mission #1: Get Krait Vipent Bladder (15) From Krait Vipent
Monster Locale: Valley Of Scorpion (206,403)
Reward: Gold (2200), Exp (3600), SP (800), Celestial Stone Fragment
Fabulosity Strength
Required LVL: 17
Start NPC: Blacksmith James
Location: Barbarian Village (223,413)
Mission #1: Kill Snake Eater Monach (20)
Monster Locale: Astound Ridge (220 453/ 229.438)
Reward: Gold (2300), Exp (3850), SP (900), Celestial Stone Fragment
The Supply Of Boarder
Required LVL: 17
Start NPC: Shopman
Location: South Stalking Stronghold (201,328)
Mission #1: Visit Sentinel Lorcan (219,452)
Mission #2: Kill Snakish Urchin Chief (30)
Monster Locale: North Astound Ridge (210,480)
Reward: Gold (2300), Exp (3850), SP (850), Celestial Stone Fragment

Level 18
Cool Archer
Required LVL: 18
Start NPC: Elder
Location: Feather City(327,427)
Mission #1: Visit Flamen Of Feather City (325,425)
Note: Quest says to go Deep North at this point, but is wrong. Go directly to Erix
Mission #2: Visit Erix South Of Bamboo Village (397,313)
Mission #3: Visit General Sorely Of Dragon City (521,629)
Mission #4: Visit Erix South Of Bamboo Village (397,313)
Reward: Gold (3000), Exp (5000), SP (1150), Celestial Stone Fragment

Required LVL: 18
Start NPC: Misty
Location: South Stalking StrongHold (206,310)
Mission #1: Visit Pharmacist Xannon (210,326)
Mission #2: Visit Border Guard Nevin (303,343)
Mission #3: Visit The Unnamed Graved (294,332)
Mission #4: Visit Pharmacist Xannon (210,326)
Mission #5: Locate Inez Water At Southeast Unworried Lake Point (283, 356)
Mission #6: Visit Pharmacist Xannon (210,326)
Mission #7: South Stalking StrongHold (206,310)
Reward: Gold (3000), Exp (5000), SP (1150)
Reward Choice #1: Fiery-Red Soulstone grade 4
Reward Choice #2: White Brume Soulstone grade 4
Reward Choice #3: Jargon Soulstone grade 4
Reward Choice #4: Lazuli Soulstone grade 4
Posion Scorpian Tail
Required LVL: 18
Start NPC: Sentinel Lorcan
Location: Astound Ridge (219,452)
Mission #1: Get Vitex Scorpoic Tail (3) From Vitex Scorpoic
Monster Locale: North Astound Ridge (268, 483)
Reward: Gold (2300), Exp (3850), SP (850), Celestial Stone Fragment

Level 19
Seek Counter Measure
Required LVL: 19
Start NPC: Elder
Location: Feather City(327,427)
Mission #1: Visit Pharmacist Clara Of Feather City (341,413)
Mission #2: Visit Jeweler Mariah Of Feather City (343,412)
Mission #3: Visit Elder Of Feather City (327,427)
Reward: Gold (3000), Exp (5000), SP (1150), Celestial Stone Fragment

Ability Test
Required LVL: 19
Start NPC: Flamen
Location: Feather City (326,425)
Mission #1: Kill VastCornu Dinothere (30)
Monster Locale: Unworried River West Shore (311, 480)
Mission #2: Kill Werewolven Archer (30)
Monster Locale: Unworried River West Shore
Mission #3: Kill Lithicon Czar Scorpioc (30)
Monster Locale: Unworried River West Shore
Reward: Gold (8100), Exp (13500), SP (3000)
Iron Blood Tablet
Required LVL: 19
Required Quest: Complete Level 19 Cultivation Quest
Start NPC: Elder
Location: Feather City(327,427)
Reward: Iron Blood Tablet
The First Battle
Required LVL: 19
Required Quest: Cultivation LVl 19
Start NPC: Elder
Location: Feather City(327,427)
Mission: Kill Lithicon Undine (12)
Monster Locale: Scorpion Cave Of The Valley Of Scorpion
Reward: Gold (190), Exp (4606), SP (2133)

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